The Oberg Family

Ok. So where do I start with this gorgeous, loving, fun, silly, hilarious family?! It was nearly 20 years ago that I met this mom and dad. Thank you WWU! They are just as in love now as they were then. Well, and they've added a few kids to the mix!!!

She is that friend that it doesn't matter how much time goes by - we catch up in a flash and have the best time together. And as a mother - she's got it all wrapped up! Loving, fun, honest, witty, caring, straightforward. Amie, your kids are very, very lucky to have such an amazing mom!

And Craig - you are just plain handsome and dashing! HA! No - I'm not joking.....just laughing as I type! You are always hilarious (well, most of the time)....and are clearly very very loved by your family. You and Amie are like a well-oiled machine!

I'm grateful for our friendship!

And so on this beautiful, fall day down at UW Tacoma - I had the privilege of capturing this stinkin' adorable family.

Love these three!!

See....cutest ever! 

Honestly - I gasp when I see this picture. 
A mama's love!!!


You Obergs are a class act!

I enjoyed every second of being your paparazzi!



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