As we all know, raising kids is full of phases. Phases that we are sometimes happy to see go (you all know what I mean) and others that we are so happy to see arrive.
My kids are 9 and 7. They are FULL of energy and enthusiasm and are never ever boring. I realized a few months back that this groove we are in is SO awesome and I totally want it to last forever.
Let me give you the highlights.
1. We all recently went to see the Secret Life of Walter Mitty....I mean all 4 of us! It was still slightly a crap shoot with my son....I mean he is 7 and he doesn't sit still often and there was no signs of animation whatsoever. BUT, I sat there and looked at my little unit and soaked in the moment. We were at the theater about to watch a REAL movie. No Disney, no animation, no talking cars. We have arrived!
2. Games. We love to play games. And we are officially OVER the "little kid" games. We can all sit down and play Monopoly, cards, you name it! Nate is known to wake up at 7, set up Monopoly, then creep in around 7:15 to see if we are ready to play (I'm not joking). Welcome back to the Gendreau family fun card games and board games!
3. They love to play together. Let's be real - brothers and sisters argue and fight. But they also play and love with such zest! I am certain these two were meant to be siblings. They bring more to each others lives than they will ever know. Watching this relationship grow is the best. ***Note - Nate's future wife can thank Audrey for a lot!
4. Self Sufficient. I could go on all night long about this. I notice it and I totally appreciate their ability to take care of themselves (and each other). And they rock at it.
5. Just general "bigness". You know what I mean. They are just getting big, but still little. I want to hug this phase for a looooong time.
So today, I have two photos that pretty much describe my kids at this moment of their lives.
You can basically find her flipping, leaping, doing back walkovers and doing handstands everywhere. Watch out for her flying legs!
And Nate - well, as you know he can have fun doing just about anything.
Love your family!! I sure love mine!!