Wyatt Antics

Wyatt is 11 months old. I can't believe it. This past year with him has FLOWN by.

He literally is the most hilarious dog ever.

Here is the Wyatt summary:
1. He loves his family - like so much he suddenly hates his kennel during the day because it means we are leaving.
2. He loves the kids - in fact he is one of the kids.
3. He grazes on his food and forgets to eat all the time.
4. He loves to steal socks. I mean, I've never seen him run so fast as when he has stolen one!
5. Thank goodness he quit eating flip flops.
6. He loves to fall asleep on his back with arms and feet straight up in the air - funniest thing I've ever seen.
7. He LOVES cheese.
8. He is so stinkin' smart. He and I have stare downs sometimes because he's talking back to me silently.
9. The bus stop at 3:45 is the best part of his day.
10. Wyatt is our person/dog :)

But seriously, puppyhood with kids is an adventure. Trying to be consistent, teaching calm (ay yi yi). It has its ups and downs - but mostly up for sure. I mean, hello - look at them! Unconditional love across the board. He adores her. And when I take him out at night he totally grumbles at me. Soon enough buddy, soon enough.

And let's not forget why he's banned from our back yard/woods right now! 
He's enjoying his life. 

I found this little gem today - Wyatt - 7 weeks old. 
SO cute! 

Tonight I love Wyatt.

So he gets his own blogpost :)



Marie + Josh { I love them so much }

It's time for these photos to come out! 

Marie (super sweet, so strong, incredibly kind, loving, does the best hair EVER) and Josh (clearly handsome, equally kind, completely loving and absolutely hysterical) have to be one of my favorite couples ever. They have the greatest love, hilarious banter, he adores her (so much),  they are as real as real can be and they are just my people! 

I don't know how its possible, but these two have never had photos taken together. Until, of course, this special day happened. 

Let's start with one of my favorite photos of all time! 

I mean, every ounce of love between them can be felt in this moment. 
Babes. Period. 

We hit up a couple local hot spots in Gig Harbor and just had some fun. 

I think he could have canoodled her all day long! 

Josh and Marie - your love is something else!!!  I loved this day! 



Nate the Great Turned 8.....

Holy smokes - it's 2015. 

I've been taking it easy on social media and blogging the past month. December is my favorite month of the year and I did my best to be present throughout it! That meant a little time away from all this!!!!! 

So tonight, I'll start with this little important moment. It's official. Nate the Great is 8!!!!! My sweet boy, who I swear was born yesterday. He is a bundle of excited energy and is basically the most friendly and enthusiastic human being I know!  He makes me laugh every day, and his joy and love for the 'every day' is one of the best parts of his personality. We love you Mr. Happy! May you always find super fantastic things in life to expend that boundless energy!!!

Nate Stats:
1. Fav thing to do - skateboard, eat
2. Fav color - orange
3. Fav sport - soccer
4. Fav team - GO HAWKS
5. Fav sister - Audrey :)
6. Fav subject in school - math
7. Fav friend - can't pick one 
8. Fav drink - root beer (and milk)
9. Fav food - candy (not kidding)
10. Fav game - dice, Mancala

