BMX! And so it begins....

It's no secret that my Nathan is fearless, enthusiastic, and slightly (like majorly) energetic! AND, it's no secret that he is pretty much a reincarnation of his dad in many ways (well, most ways minus the fact that Todd is the introvert and Nate is the extrovert of all extroverts).

SO, after us ignoring his repeated requests to "race his bike", we decided to head out to the BMX track last weekend to "watch". Well, long story short - he went, he saw, he borrowed gear, he raced, and he took first place in his group! WHAT?!?!?!!? Yes, he's crazy.....and he's 5......whoops - I mean 5 1/2 (please don't forget that "1/2").

I was not prepared last week (meaning I left the camera at home). So, this past weekend, I was sure to snap some shots!

Nathan - you continue to bring adventure to our lives and I have a hunch you will succeed at whatever you choose and truly love! Your options are endless! Mama loves you (and also covers her eyes from time to time when I watch you).

Bring on the BMX!

A little consult from his dad...
(who, by the way, has been reliving HIS own BMX days these past few weeks)! 

And this, is his biggest cheering section. 
She seems to love everything about the track, so far!
Watching her brother, Doritos from the snack shack, the awesome music soundtrack!
I have a feeling these two will always be each others' biggest fans!

He's 5!
He's on a BMX track!
I'm not surprised in the slightest!

Happy Tuesday!


Anna - Fabulous 2013 Senior

This is Anna - she is seriously one of the funniest, lovliest girls. And obviously stunning. We had a very fun Sunday evening together! Her mom and dad joined us for a bit too - and the apple obviously doesn't fall far from the tree. What a fun crew!

She's headed to Montana next year for school. Striking out - strong and ready! Your confidence and strength will take you far Anna! I wish you a fantastic senior year!

You just never know what'll happen when you bring mom in!!
You two are hysterical! I seriously love the picture on the right! 

Dads and daughters - they really just melt hearts! 

We were roaming downtown Olympia and every corner was like hitting the jackpot.
Seriously - tons of nooks and crannies and awesome alleys! I loved it! 
We caught the last bit of light before sunset in this fabulous spot!  

Uh, someone clearly was warming up! 

Oh man - that color - so gorgeous! 

Anna - I had a great time getting to know you and your parents and think you are just the kindest family!

Good luck!  You have a very bright future ahead!


Sebren Family - Pure Gorgeousness Inside and Out

Insert huge, giant gasp at this point. That's pretty much how I felt from the moment I uploaded these images! I adore this family. They have become dear friends to us over the past years and I felt super grateful to capture their family photos. I love watching these girls grow up into these beautiful, smart, talented young ladies. And I just love their mom and dad too, which pretty much made this shoot completely relaxed and super fun. And the fact that we got all these pictures in a matter of about 40 minutes was crazy! 

I have to say that being the mom of Nathan has made me fast on my feet : ) HA! 

So, on we go with this stunning family! 

Ms J has some fabulous posing ideas. Now if only she can get her sister to cooperate!


 Mom and dad's turn!

Sebren Family - I think we captured this moment in time! 

Thanks for being such great buddies!

Pizza night soon! Oh yeah - and sleepover too - bus planning is always a good prompt for us moms! 

Happy Wednesday!


Shanae and Alan

Now this was a fun, gorgeous, warm, emotional, loooong overdue day. Well, at least to the guests who made some pretty great toasts about these two! You see, they met back in high school and have been together for about 12 years. Yes, it's about time. And boy oh boy did they create the most perfect day for themselves. I am so grateful to have captured this love! Shanae and Alan - I wish you the best and I know you have an amazing future in store!

Now, we sit back and enjoy this day!

And can I just say - that to get married in the day of Pinterest - what a treat!
Such amazingness (nice word, huh)
Shanae had so many small, perfect touches that made this day totally her! 
Nice work girl! 

One of my favorite details of the day! 
Who needs a slideshow....this is perfect! 

Oh my! So many potential captions here!

 Hooray - its official and over!!! 
Big deep exhale! 
You two are simply a treat to hang out with!!

Cheers to you both and your new beginning as husband and wife!


The Hackney Family

Oh my do I even begin with these cuties!!!! I have to say I love all the connections that are happening and fun referrals! Tonight the shout out goes to Ms. Megan Mikkelsen! Thanks for spreading the kind words! Click here to check out Megan's adorable family

At any rate - it was a warm, Saturday night....the sun was starting to set and we played! 

Katie and Travis - you have a completely gorgeous family! 

These boys love their daddy! 

Totally amazing and gorgeous mama!

 Fun play! 

Um....cutest thing I've ever seen!

I know its a busy phase Katie - but these are the days to remember!

Then, the rest of the family showed up for some fun too!

You two - I just had a blast hanging with you! 
Too bad, I put the camera away before the Husky gear came out !

I loved chatting with these two. 
Happily married for 30+ years.
Clearly in love!
Such a great family!

Hackney family - you guys are the best and super fun!

Happy Wednesday!


Kindergarten and 3rd Grade

Um, I'm not sure how this happened. 
But he just started Kindergarten. 

100% ready
100% excited
100% capable
My baby. 

3rd grade?
When one talks about capable, kind, confident, ready.......
My girl!!!
I'm proud. 
And gushing.....

They had such a great first week!

And after all these years! 
He FINALLY gets to ride the bus.....
If only it gets here.......

Life is good

I hope you all had a great first week back!
