The Seals

So a few weeks back our family headed over to Prosser, WA for the Hot Air Balloon Festival (see my previous blog post for all that fun)!

Our weekend was planned following a very exciting week in the Seal family....Dakota, my nephew, turned 18 !!!!! Now honestly, I have vivid memories of that cutie little 3 year old on earth have we arrived at age 18? (I know you are asking the same thing Ter). So we decided to take some fun pictures! I just had to share them here! Hope you enjoy!

We love you Seals!

Emma and Dakota - these two are a couple of crack ups!

And I just had to share some of mom and dad too! Love you guys!

Now, I must admit...I am a sucker for mom and son pictures! These are no exception!

If that look isn't the total love of a mama - I don't know what is. She's very proud of you Dakota!

And I had to throw in a cousin picture as well! Boy fun always!

Happy 18th Birthday Dakota. We wish you all the happiness in the world!

-Stacy (and Uncle Todd too)


  1. Awfully cute family, I'd say! ;) Great captures, Stace. You are amazing!

  2. Those are great, Stacy! You have a real talent :-) Such natural, happy poses and expressions.

  3. Beautiful pics of a very cute family! :) Love them all!
