Twas' the Night Before School Starts - Gig Harbor Photographer

It's 9:05, the kids were out an hour ago, backpacks are ready, first day of school outfits laid out carefully on bedroom floors, lunch boxes out and prepped.....all is right in the world!

So tonight, my thoughts are with my local fams and friends, many of whom I have been so blessed to photograph. 

This blog post is for you! 

I'm always grateful at this time of the year - so grateful to have enjoyed one of the most beautiful summers full of unscheduled fun, friends, family, sleepovers galore!  And also grateful that they are going back tomorrow. Our schools are filled to the brim with some of the most awesome, dedicated, hard working, loving teachers and staff. Our kids (and we) are so lucky!  I mean - they truly just go above and beyond all the time! A's teacher from last year sent her class the sweetest well wishes this week for our about to be middle-schoolers.  Just kind - all the time! And don't even get me started on how excited I am that Natester landed in the very perfect placement for 3rd grade. Happy reunion for mom and teacher there! Sigh, it's just going to be a good year! I'm so excited for them!

So on this eve of transition, I wish all my friends and families that I adore, the best first morning of school! 

I was just thinking of you all and then started digging for some perfect photos for this post!!! 



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