Matt and Tammy - Part I

As I sit here and begin this blog post - I think to myself, "Where on earth do I begin?"....

Last weekend we and a group of fellow friends, journeyed to Orcas Island to share in this most special day......Matt and Tammy's wedding. It was a perfectly fabulous weekend. First, we were kid free (thanks grandma and grandpa). Second, we hung out with new and old friends and had a total blast catching up. And three, I was blessed to photograph this beautiful joining of families!

Hang on for the ride......the Anderson and Messina crew are fun and loving and I'll probably narrate way too much....but its my blog and they are my friends so I can!!

This is blog post Part I. Todd just asked me how many blog posts this event will take. I'm not sure yet, but here we go!

Tammy and Matt. You two are such caring, giving people with so much love! I'm so glad you found each other!

So let us begin with this gorgeous bride......

And her beautiful daughter! 

And I have to say Tammy had THE BEST maid of honor ever!!!!
She was attentive, loving and on the ball! 
Loved meeting you Kathy!

These girls - they just have such a foundation of love! 
I loved watching this "Little S" watch her mom throughout the day! SO emotional!

A little back story here...Matt and Tammy decided to see each other before the wedding. 
I set up a "first look" and this series just makes me smile!
Their expressions are PRICELESS and real and so full of emotion!!!!



Seriously you guys - you are so adorable!

So glad they had some time together before the hub-bub started! 

Total babes!

This bridal party was a total hoot! 
You all are fantastic! 
Such a pleasure to hang with you this weekend! 

And I will end tonight with this picture. 

Matt and Tammy, I hope you are sleeping, basking in the sun and enjoying the Bali life right now! 

We are sending big hugs and congratulations to you!

Matt and Tammy Part II coming soon.....



  1. awesome pics!!! can't wait to see the rest! great job! Rachel. (make-up artist).
